

Good news on tropical rain forest: they bounce back solid, keeping even more carbon than thought

Plantations International Information Youthful additional forest in Costa Rica, with old-growth trees visible in the background. Susan G. Letcher, CC BY-SASusan Letcher, Purchase College State College of New YorkWhen you reduced as well as melt a tropical woodland, you're entrusted a barren level of split red mud, unable of sustaining life-- the opposite of the teeming, hyperdiverse array of life that was damaged. As soon as the trees are gone, the nutrients get rid of and the soil degrades into a dense, brick-like level so solidified that plant roots can't get with it.This was the vision of exotic logging held in [...]

UK consumed more ethanol than biodiesel during second quarter

Plantations International News The U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change has released renewable energy statistics for the second quarter of 2015, reporting liquid biofuels consumption fell by 24 percent, from 464 million liters (122.58 million gallons) during the second quarter of 2014 to 355 million liters during the second quarter of this year. The drop was mostly due to reduced biodiesel consumption. During the quarter, the DECC indicated liquid biofuels represented 3 percent of gas and diesel consumed in the transportation fuel market, down from 4 percent the same quarter of the prior year. According to the DECC, ethanol contributed [...]