Welcome To Plantations International,

Below you will find our most Frequently Asked Questions about our Agarwood Plantation Ownership program in Thailand.

Harvested Marketable Products: Oud Oil (Agarwood Oil) 
Revenue Valuation: USD 158,678,364 ( Learn More )
Annualized Returns: 19.71%+
Minimum Net Profits: USD 78,000  (Per 100 Trees)

Q: Who is Plantations International?

With offices, plantations, and representatives across Asia, Europe, and Africa, Plantations International is a multinational plantation and farm management company that specializes in providing sustainable agricultural and forestry or “agroforestry” management services for its clients. Plantations International has clients ranging from private individuals to large landholders and corporate investors. We put teamwork, innovation, and our passion for creating “Ethical & Sustainable Capital” at the heart of everything we do.

Plantations International is the world’s market leader in Agarwood tree cultivation with Agarwood plantations in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. 

Q: Why invest in managed forestry?

Forestry and agriculture (agroforestry) are considered to be some of the world’s most stable and consistently reliable “safe haven” asset classes. over 50 years, agroforestry as an asset class has historically outperformed most stocks, bonds, and especially fixed bank deposits. Quick to mature, permanently in high demand, and always profitable, agroforestry is one of the safest and secure ways to hedge your portfolio against market volatility.

Unlike other traditional asset classes, agroforestry is mostly uncorrelated to the financial markets. We have all seen the extreme market volatility caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, forcing most central banks into endless money printing. Agroforestry as an asset class is immune to this type of extreme volatility and market downturns.

Trees do not worry about political changes or turbulence in the markets and industry sectors. Trees just grow and grow, and Plantations International has the perfect way to make this work for you. Not only do we offer you complete risk mitigation via our guaranteed tree replacement policy. Your harvest returns are also underpinned by a contractually guaranteed minimum sales price and by a constantly increasing and demanding market.

Q: What is Agarwood and Oud Oil?

Agarwood is the resinous heartwood that grows inside Aquilaria trees. Plantations International has Aquilaria tree plantations in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia, and is the global market leader in Agarwood cultivation and sales.

Due to overwhelming demand and extremely limited supply, Agarwood is by far the most valuable and expensive wood in the world. When Agarwood chips are ground and distilled into oil, Agarwood oil, or “Oud Oil” as it is officially known, is the key ingredient in some most luxurious and expensive fragrances in the world.

Top fragrance houses such as Chanel, Calvin Klein, and Versace to name a few, have all incorporated Oud Oil within their premium fragrance lines. Now, with over 1,000 new fragrances launched each year, the global fragrance market has reached a current market valuation of over USD 33 billion and growing!

Please Watch The Investment Webinar Below, it’s a detailed step-by-step explanation of how the Agarwood investment works. Included is all the key information required to give you a clear understanding of all the benefits, market demand, and exit strategies associated with owning an Agarwood tree plantation.

Q: What is my entry price and what kind of returns can I expect?

Your entry price is only USD 327.80 per tree and trees are sold in minimum blocks of 50. This means that 50 trees are only USD 16,390. Your expected annualized returns are 19.71% based on our guaranteed sales price of USD 325 per Tola as fully explained in the webinar above.

Agarwood Prices

~ 100 Agarwood Tree Plantation Ownership Snapshot

  • Turn $32,780 into $78,000
  • 19.71% Average Annualized Returns.
  • 100% Fully Asset-backed! All Trees are Already Planted and Growing Healthily.
  • Fully Managed “Hands-Free” Project.
  • Experienced Management Team with Active Agarwood Projects in 3 Countries!
  • 100% Contractually Guaranteed Harvest.
  • Established Exit Market, With Multiple Off-Take Agreements.
  • 100% Replacement Guarantee.
  • The Most Expensive Wood in the World.
  • Complimentary Inspection Visit Included. Come to Thailand and see your Plantation.

Q: What is the Plantations International Advantage?

The main advantage Plantations International has over other Oud Oil producers is by far our size, network, and global footprint. Not only are we the world’s largest grower of Agarwood trees with plantations in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia but we have also completely vertically integrated our entire distribution chain. For example, in Hong Kong, we own Oud Oil Trading Limited (OOT). OOT functions as our main Oud Oil import/export agency and distributer. Thus giving us the capability of completely cutting out all middle men and controlling they entire distribution process all the way to the end user. We also have these  capabilities in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and the European Union.

Q: Why is Agarwood so expensive?

Please Watch The Video Below, it will give you an in-depth understanding why high quality Agarwood is selling as high as prices as high as 100,000 USD/KG and the demand for Oud Oil from the fragrance industry.

Q: Since Oud Oil is sold by the “Tola”, what exactly is a Tola a unit of measurement?

The “Tola” unit of measurement is fully explained in the above investment webinar, it is a unit of measurement most commonly used in the measurement of commercial gold. A Tola is 12 grams. (1 Tola = 12 Grams).  Statistically speaking each of your trees will yield 2-4 Tolas of Oud Oil by year 7, making your average Oud Oil yield 3 Tolas Per Tree.

Q: What is my minimum guaranteed price of Oud Oil that I will receive on a per Tola basis?

We offer a minimum guaranteed price of USD 325 per Tola. Since your trees are expected to yield an average of 3 Tolas Per Tree. Your expected returns are USD 975 on a Per Tree Basis before harvest fees are deducted.

Q: What is Plantations International’s Harvesting fee?

Plantations International will deduct a 20% harvesting fee from your gross proceeds. This means that you will receive 80% of the harvest proceeds. 

Q:  What exact documentation will I receive to document the purchase of my trees?

You will receive the following two documents:

  1. A sales & management agreement for your trees outlining our duties and responsibilities.
  2. A certified Tree Ownership Certificate, stating the exact amount of trees you own and their exact geographical coordinates.

Q: When can I harvest my trees?

You can harvest your trees as early as year 7 all the way up to year 15.

Q: Since I can let my trees grow for 15 years, does this increase the quantity of Oud Oil that my trees will produce?

Yes indeed .On average the Oud Oil count in your trees is expected to increase at a rate of 10% per year. You are under no obligation to harvest at year 7, you may select to harvest at any time between years 7 to 15.  These are your trees, you are in control. The below table outlines return scenarios from harvest years 7 to 15.

Q:  What if my Agarwood trees are destroyed or something happens to them?

Firstly, due to the diligence and expertise of the forestry management team, this is highly unlikely. To date we have had no instance of this. Nonetheless, Plantations International provides all clients with insurance in the form of a contractual Replacement Warranty, which fully guarantees that should any of your Agarwood trees die or become severely damaged due to the risks listed below; they will be immediately replaced or replanted at no additional cost to you, thus Guaranteeing You a 100% Harvest

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Wild animal damage
  • Cyclone & Hurricane
  • Drought
  • Theft & Vandalism
  • Flooding
  • Pest and disease
  • Hail Damage

In order to mitigate all risk factors, rigorous assessment and due diligence of plantation sites is conducted every quarter. Each plantation is irrigated, fenced, and has 24 hours a day security and an on-duty plantation manager.

Q: Why are you offering this plantation opportunity to third parties?

Plantations International has decided to integrate clients into its business model in order to expand its Agarwood plantations at a faster pace. It entails forgoing debt in an effort to grow the number of Agarwood trees it manages exponentially. The larger the plantations the more value generated for the company and its clients.

Fragrance companies are willing to pay substantial premiums for large scale and consistent, high quality supply of Oud Oil. The faster the company expands, the better it can position itself as the world’s leading  producer and exporter of Oud Oil.

Q: What is the history of Agarwood?

Agarwood has been used by Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Hindus alike in countless religious ceremonies since the beginning of recorded time. Legend has it that when Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, they were allowed to take with them but one item. It was a branch from an Agarwood tree, within which lay one of the most remarkable and valuable natural substances known to man.

It was mentioned in the bible that Nicodemus brought “a roll of myrrh and aloes” weighing about 100 Roman pounds, to be used in preparing for Jesus’ ascension in Heaven. The aloes brought by Nicodemus is Agarwood as referred to in the Hebrew Scriptures and Muslim Hadiths. Agarwood has been revered by civilizations, religions, and cultures for thousands of years for its health-giving properties and positive psychoactive effects. Please watch the above webinar, it will give you a fuller understanding of this truly remarkable tree.

Q: Do you have any photos of your plantations that I can look at?

Sure do, please Click Here to visit our online plantation photo gallery…

Q: How and when are my harvest proceeds paid?

All harvest proceeds are paid by the 15th. of December for that current year. By default, all harvest proceeds are paid directly by swift bank transfer in your desired currency. Alternatively, you may request to be paid in Bitcoin, or into a prepaid Visa Debit card that the company will help you obtain. You will be able to safely withdraw your harvest proceeds 24/7 from any ATM in any currency worldwide, the choice is fully yours.

Q: Where exactly is my Agarwood plantation located?

Your Agarwood plantation is located in the province of Ratchaburi in Thailand, just an hour’s drive from Bangkok city center. Click Here to learn more about Ratchaburi.

Q: Is it possible to visit my plantation in Thailand?

Yes! In fact, once you’re a client partner of ours, we very highly encourage you to come to Thailand and visit your plantation. Just let us know of your desired visitation dates and we will make complimentary hotel arrangements for you and one guest at one of our luxury partner hotels such as the Hilton, Marriot, and Hyatt Regency


Please Note: All complimentary accommodation is for 2 persons, based on a shared deluxe room basis with a king-size or two twin size beds. Also, Since Bangkok is considered a highly sought after tourist destination, many of our clients have requested to extend their stay and make a holiday out of it, if this will be the case for you, please let us know in advance and our reservation team will handle all your extended bookings and you will receive our corporate discount rates at all our partner hotels.

Q: Can I transfer or sell my trees to a third party?

Yes, your trees are your exclusive private property, you may sell them or transfer them to anyone at any time without restrictions. Your trees are part of your estate and can be passed on to whomever you choose, just like your home. 

Q: All This sounds great ,but I have a few questions and I would like to speak to an agroforestry expert.

Please Click Here to Schedule a free, no obligation call back with one of our client relationship managers.

Useful Links & Resources

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