Dear Client,

In compliance with European directives 2015/849; 2009/138 EC; 2013/36/EU and 2018/843, and international law concerning the fight against money laundering and financing of terrorism. We have been asked by the receiving bank to provide the following Know Your Customer (KYC) information about your sending bank. 

Your full name exactlly as it appears on the bank Transfer.
Your purchase agreement number. Starts with either THT, MKD or THR.
Doctor, Plumber, Housewife, Retired, Etc...
The funds for the transfer you sent us.
Will be kept private and confidential.
Will be kept private and confidential.
Politician, Governor, Mayor, Senior member of government, etc...

---- Sending Bank Details ----

The bank you sent us the funds from.
Example: Paris, France

---- Document Area ----

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
We need to verify your current address.
Please rate us.