Legal Disclaimer
It is very important that you read this Plantations International legal disclaimer before proceeding, as it explains certain legal and regulatory restrictions applicable to any product, services or opportunities we provide. The content of this Plantations International website is not authorized or regulated by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) The Financial Services Authority of the United Kingdom (FSA) or the Monetary Authority Of Singapore (MAS).
Plantations International (“Plantations International”) makes every effort to ensure that the information provided to you (“You”), pertaining to any forestry and farming projects (“Opportunity or Opportunities”) is accurate and complete, it is provided subject to the following:
- This website is only intended for eligible and qualified professional clients and eligible counter-parties in jurisdictions that permit such distribution. It is not intended for distribution to any country where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.
- The content on this website is provided to you for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any investments or related services that may be referenced on this website.
- Nothing on this website constitutes investment, legal, tax or other advice nor is it to be relied upon in making any investment decisions. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
- The information contained in this website is intended for the use of persons to whom it has been made available.
- In making a decision to participate in one of the Plantations International opportunities, you must rely upon the relevant Offering Memorandum and not on the information on this Website. Offering Memorandums may only be distributed in accordance with the laws and regulations of each appropriate jurisdiction in which any potential participant resides.
- Participating into any business or asset in overseas territories is subject to potential political, economic and foreign currency risks, including exchange controls, which can be changed at any time without notice. Additionally political change can severely impact an assets security of tenure for any assets held and is one risk of investing such. Farms and plantations are subject to a range of risks including climactic, operational, financial and political risks. Profitability of these businesses may be adversely affected by real estate price volatility and market conditions. Nothing described in this website is intended to imply that such participation are “safe”, “conservative”, “risk free” or “risk averse”. Prospective participants should consult with their own legal, tax and financial advisers before deciding to participate in any of our Opportunities.
- All farming and plantation ownership Opportunities offered by Plantations International are not regulated products, Plantations International and its authorized representatives, agents and Introducer(s) do not provide investment advice nor are they licensed with any authority to do so. Plantations International recommends in considering all Opportunities, it is highly recommended that you seek independent advice from your professional advisers. Plantations International is not a regulated entity and there is no requirement for it to be so regulated as it is not undertaking any regulated activities.
- All information is intended only to assist you in deciding whether You wish to proceed with further investigation of the Opportunity and does not constitute an offer or solicitation or contract, or part of one, in relation to the Opportunity and shall not be so construed. You should not rely on statements or representations (oral or written) made by Plantations International’s authorized representatives, the Introducer or any person engaged by Plantations International in whatsoever capacity, in relation to the Opportunity or its value or condition as Plantations International does not in any way guarantee, whether explicitly or implicitly, the accuracy thereof.
- The information contained in this website is purely for information purposes only and no representation or warranty is given as to the accuracy thereof. None of Plantations International’s authorized representatives, Introducer(s) or any person(s) companies, or agents engaged by Plantations International in whatsoever capacity has any authority to make any representation or warranty, express or implied, in relation to the Opportunity.
- You must satisfy yourself regarding all aspects concerning any Opportunities offered including (by way of example but without limitation), its suitability, value or condition for your intended purpose, before You enter into any legally binding commitment and/or agreement in relation to the Opportunity by undertaking your own searches, researches, enquiries, surveys, due diligence and inspections as well as taking all appropriate advice from qualified professionals including lawyers, accountants, forestry managers and surveyors and You are fully aware and comfortable with all the risks associated with this Opportunity.
- You are responsible for ensuring and verifying that under the laws of your home country, You are not prohibited from taking up the Opportunity. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with all relevant laws, regulations, directives and requirements of your home country. Plantations International does not give any representation to that effect, nor does it assume any responsibility in that regard.
- Currency conversions, if given, are illustrative only, and will fluctuate from time to time and drawings, measurements and any reference to distances are approximate only and not drawn to scale (unless otherwise specifically stated). All fragrance brands and images/photos used in this website are for example and illustration purposes only are not definitive and remain the exclusive copyright or their owners/manufactures and no form of partnership, agency or collaboration is either implied, intended or stated. scale (unless otherwise specifically stated). Any information Plantations International provides may be subject to change from time to time by Plantations International without any notification. All trees and crops are living biological organisms, and exact yields will fluctuate crop to crop and from tree to tree and cannot be guaranteed on a per crop or tree basis.
- All information in this website shall not be copied, modified, distributed or reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Plantations International.
- As far as applicable laws allow, Plantations International shall under no circumstances whatsoever be liable to You, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise for any loss of profit or initial capital, or any indirect or consequential loss arising from or in connection with any information provided to You in connection with the Opportunity.
If you require any further clarifications or you have any questions about the above, please call us today on +852 5808 3775 or Click Here to contact your nearest Plantations International office.