Mango is one of the most favorite fruit worldwide and it is used for making various valuable products. Currently, only 3% of mangoes are processed into valuable product. So, we are going to give brief introduction to some of the potential opportunities in mangoes sector. The detail of which is discussed below:

  1. Mango Juice

Mango juice is one of the most  popular mango investment products in Pakistan and recognized as the favorite fruit for every age fruit lovers. For the past several decades, mango juice is one of the most consumable juice which being consumed by the Pakistanis and all over the world in bottles. Therefore, the investment in this project leads to an amazing opportunity. Furthermore, it definitely adds to the economic stability of the Pakistan by maximizing the investment opportunities for Pakistani investors and foreign investors as well.

  1. Mango Chutney

There is also a great potential in investing in projects in value added projects such like mango Chutney, Pickles and Murabbas. As Pakistan has a great natural resource of tasty and delicious fruits at very minimal prices. Shikarpur is recognized as pickle mangoes producing city of the Pakistan and is already famous in Pakistan for their specific taste and quality, even when this city is not known as a major mango growing area. One of the most vital and important mangoes fruit products is mango chutney which has a huge potential of export in the international import market and also in the local market as well. Mango chutney is extracted from mangoes processing and packed in cans. It is one of the favorite mango products which reflects the perks attached with investing in this product. And the investment by any party will lead to the business development for the local investor and will attract the foreign investors as well.

  1. Fresh Mango Grading and Packing Facility

In the mangoes growing area, the grading and packing facilities don’t exist same like citrus. There are very few grading and packing facilities and units are present in Pakistan. Mostly these fruit packing and grading plants are in Karachi area. There is a huge potential of investment in the mechanized grading and packing plants in the mangoes growing area of Sindh and Punjab.

  1. Dried Mango Products

Dried Mangoes are one of the most valuable products extracted from fruit products. Dried mangoes are characterized on account of their tasty taste and other applications in pickles. There is only one pilot plant in Tando Allahyar, which is producing dehydrated mangoes and it is  also exporting in small quantities in the international market. So, there is huge potential of investment in this application of mango fruit products which will ultimately add to the economic stability of Pakistan by increasing the opportunities of investors for the local investors and foreign investors as well.

  1. Mango Pulpy Facility

Mangoes Pulps are also one of the valuable products of mangoes products and it has a very high demand in both local and international market. These mango pulps are used in the applications of canned mangoes, dried mangoes, ice cream and drinks as well. The demand of mango pulps are increasing day by day due to which this application has a huge potential of investment to invest in for Pakistani Traders and foreign investors as well.