Frutura The global sales and marketing platform that was created to supply international clients with top-quality fruits all year round it has signed a license contract to The Coca-Cola Company. It is the first occasion that The Coca-Cola Company has licensed one of their brands to usage in the fresh fruit segment. This agreement allows Frutura to make use of Minute Maid and Simply brands that will only be used in conjunction with Frutura’s Dayka & Hackett LLC. Simply is a brand that will be launching in the market as Simply brand will be entering the market in the form of Simply Select(tm). Established in 2005, Dayka & Hackett (D&H) is a grower based in California, a manufacturer and retailer of high-quality fruits.


  • Simply Select will be used for D&H fresh oranges in the United States.
  • Minute Maid can be found to treat D&H grapes that are grown in the United States, and
  • Minute Maid will be used for D&H freshly picked grapes and citrus in Japan.

“Our business is dedicated to delivering the customer high-quality products in every moment of their lives,” said Kayla Carlucci the Associate Licensing Manager at The Coca-Cola Company. “When we think about licensing any of our brands, it is important to ensure the highest quality of the item that will be branded with our logo is of paramount importance, in addition to the quality controls that the licensee performs at each phase of the chain of supply. We’re thrilled to do partnership with Frutura and think this could be the beginning of an exciting partnership.”

D&H has significantly enhanced its citrus offerings, with regions where they have achieved the highest quality in clementines limes, lemons and mangos. In addition, the extensive selection of table grapes features the most sought-after varietals in both red and green category of seedless grapes. The products that feature Coca-Cola’s Minute Maid and Simply Select imagery will integrate with the existing portfolio of brands from D&H and will be released at retailers in the second quarter of 2023.

“Partnering with the renowned Coca-Cola Company, and their internationally recognized and renowned brand names, will be a pivotal occasion for us as well as also for Frutura,” said Tim Dayka the CEO at Dayka & Hackett, who designed the license agreement for Frutura’s benefit. “This will enable Frutura to expand the number of customers we serve with a substantial degree because the brands are so popular with consumers who are discerning.”


Maureen Crow

Frutura Production

Tel: (+1) 626.616.0057