Despite the fact that production dropped in the early part in the year, the sector of avocado in Morocco finished on a good one, with production exceeding the record as well as a total output of 40,000 tonnes. Alongside Zouhir Daissoria who is an expert on the production of avocados, and the CEO of First Green Land, we explore the particulars of the season, both in terms of the variety that is produced and sold.

According Zouhir Zouhir who was at the level of production there was not a significant differences in the percentage of any variety when compared with prior seasons “The types that are commonly employed in Morocco include Hass, Fuerte, Zutano and Lamb Hass, Bacon, and occasionally Pinkerton. Based on my research that the variety Hass is the one that produces the highest amount and accounts for 71.8 percent of the national output, Fuerte 12.5%, Zutano 7percent, Lamb Hass 5.5% as well as Bacon 3.2 percent. Note that these numbers aren’t entirely accurate because they are based on the circumstances of exporters. The sale of domestic products is not easy to track.” The exports make up 90 percent of the domestic output.

Until this time, as per Zouhir, “the trend among the vast majority of Moroccan farmers is that they plant 90% of their acres in Hass, with the remainder of their acreage in Fuerte and Zutano in order to graft the land. However, there are some producers that make made a better decision that is based on observations and real-time evaluation of the market that then leads to more exact production decisions.”

The 2022/2023 season may have had no significant changes in the production of the crop but it has been defined by changes in the marketing. Zouhir says: “Because of the low production in the early part in the year, European consumers were required to buy shipments of the Fuerte type. In the past, European markets did not take much of this type of wine, which was offered exclusively within Russia and Morocco. Moroccan market. We have also seen increased exports from Fuerte to the detriment from Zutano.”

The factor that determines the selection of cultivars remains the same; it’s about what varieties can be exported to Europe as well as the cost of selling. “It will be the price that determines production. We know that the cost of Hass is anywhere from 7 to 12 MAD greater than the other variation in the rankings and the price of production is similar and the farming operations are similar We can quickly see the reason Hass is considered to be the top variety of Morocco.” (1 EUR 11 MAD)

The last season was also characterized by another new development in the market. Prices for Lamb Hass is now at the highest level ever, rising at 33 MAD per kilogram when it is sold at the farm gate and Fuerte can be purchased at 26 MAD as well as Hass with a price of 35 MAD as per Zouhir. “This is an amazing achievement to be able to call Lamb Hass, which started at 11 MAD in the previous year, and was it is now at 25, MAD last year. It is possible that Lamb Hass to surpass Zutano and Fuerte in the coming year. The customer who is the final one within the UK purchases Hass as well as Lamb Hass at the same price, though Lamb Hass leaves Morocco at less. It is a proof point that two types can be exchanged.”

According to earlier statements by representatives of growers that the selection of variety are also towards increasing the length of the season through the implementation of the late-season production. “Producers across the globe want to prolong their seasons so that they can produce throughout all of the year. There’s a lot of work being done on this front as we see new varieties emerging. In Morocco the season for avocados closes in April. However, producers are seeking to extend the season until July. The reason for this is that the avocados must be at an amount of dry matter before it can be able to export, which is around 21 percentage. In Morocco the most effective way of prolonging the season could be by way of”the Lamb Hass.”

According to sources from the producer So far, European importers have been hesitant to purchase Lamb Hass from Morocco while UK importers were purchasing it. This has prompted producers to consider other alternatives including Malama. We are however realizing this time that moods in trade may change fast.

Zouhir adds “Lamb Hass is well-adapted to its surroundings, and has been genetically engineered to be able to adapt. It is at the threshold of dry matter very late in the month of January, about 15 however Hass is able to reach this level at the very beginning of November. This represents a 2 to 3 month gap. The year in question, Hass export started on the 25th of October, while Lamb Hass export started on the 17th of January. Hass is kept in the tree until April, before it gains the weight and maturation and reducing its shelf life. Lamb Hass On contrary, could remain until the end of June.”

This is yet another motive for Lamb Hass to gain in its production share, aside from its price of sale, which is the strength of its fruit both inside the tree as well as in transport as per Zouhir. “Its skin is much thicker than others, which will better safeguard its fruit.” In order to allow the harvest season to run longer, Zouhir also recommends more efficient methods of harvesting, “we can also train the trees to delay the harvest every year a slightly later, to ensure that the tree is ready to harvest later.”

One of the main complaints about the avocado business in Morocco is that it’s an hydro-based product, even when Morocco is suffering from persistent drought. Could the variety of choices be a factor in favor less water use? According Zouhir. Zouhir: “In terms of water consumption, there’s not any major differences between the types. However, regardless of the type of variety is chosen for later production is, it’s going to result in more water usage and implies it is likely that Lamb Hass will be the most water-efficient. The fruit of a tree will require 45 minutes to an hour of watering each day A late harvest in Morocco is in line with the season of summer, which calls for greater irrigation. This is accompanied by the addition of a spray system over that tree.”

For further information, click here.

Zouhir Daissoria

First Green Land and BLDIOFROOT

Tel: +212661902434

