The supply of avocados throughout the U.S. remain plentiful. “This year’s supply is quite diverse,” said Juan Monsalve the category manager for avocados at LGS Specialty Sales. “Last season, Mexico was coming to its end of the year with limited fruit and it was a struggle to get every program taken care of. But, there was plenty of Peruvian fruits available during that time.” This year, Mexico is bigger in volume, and the later start in Peru is expected to help the Mexican production and allows Peru to profit from the favorable European market. With these regions, California is also producing as well, and some of the production comes of fruit coming from Colombia.

Many crops across North America are reporting later dates by 2023. Mexico’s Avocado season has started on time this year. Sears states that there’s plenty of avocados that may be overlapping with the next season towards the close of June. “Peru has been delayed to begin due to the heavy rains in the regions of growth that slows the process of maturing the fruit due to the need for dry matter which must be brought into America. U.S.,” says Monsalve. “Peru has the potential to extend its maturation time longer than previous years, but this will depend entirely on the marketplace and it is able to handle the amount of Mexican fruit in the early part this season.”

“The food profile for this Mexican fruit is excellent currently, however the fruit will have a short duration of shelf-life due to its oil content.” claims Monsalve.

Size and quality of the fruit

When it comes to sizing, there’s some variation on the curve of size. “While Mexico is heavier on large sizes, as we’re at the end of the season, California volume is gearing to smaller sizes. The eating profile of the Mexican fruits is really delicious at the moment, but it has a small shelf life due to the high amount of oil in it,” Monsalve says. Monsalve.

The demand for avocados was also high for avocados in the past Cinco de Mayo, a popular avocado consumption holiday. And the trend has remained strong throughout the 10 days after. “Avocados remain a booming market and as recognition of the health benefits from this fruit is raised increasing numbers of consumers will want to make the avocado part of their daily food regimen,” says Monsalve.

For prices, they are at a record low due to the large volume of fruit coming of fruit coming from Mexico. “In the last few weeks, we’ve seen some growing pressure from the growers to raise price increases in fields within Mexico,” says Monsalve and adds that, looking forward we expect to see lots of fruits and will have the ability to advertise throughout the summer season.

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Gabby Ausbrook

LGS Specialty Sales