The world of bananas is constantly evolving, from field , through ripening and finally the creation of improved shelf-life methods. Since bananas are a significant item for consumers and are a major source of income, the quality of them is an important issue.

The quality of products and services has an effect on thousands of customers. Each step of the supply chain poses particular challenges, and presents chances to enhance the level of quality and customer satisfaction.

So, the fresh produce experts from Normec are organizing an Mini Symposium on Banana Quality to quality managers and Quality inspectors as well as category manager & buyers as well as the growers.


The following topics are to be addressed:

  • Conditions and Disorders
  • Qualitative Standards
  • The Quality of the Supermarket
  • Perceptions of the Consumer
  • Future


  • Jelger de Vriend (Normec Groen Agro Control)
  • Ludo Tuijnman (Normec Maas Goodacre)
  • Adriaan Vermunt (Normec Groen Agro Control)
  • Karin Gorree (Normec Innovative Fresh)

The symposium will be conducted online on April 21 between 15:00 and 15:30 (CET). The symposium will be held presented in English and there’s free of charge. Visit this link to join.

For additional information, click here:

Karin Gorree


Tel: +31 850 656 214